Asus p5n-d & gtx 470

  1. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Ubuntu Linux

    Asus p5n-d & gtx 470

    Here in a few weeks i hope to upgrade my video card from a Sparkle 9600GT to a Sparkle GTX 470. Here's the link to the new card.

    Sparkle SXX4701280D5-NM GeForce GTX 470 Video Card - 1280MB GDDR5, PCI-Express 2.0, Dual DVI, HDMI, SLI, DirectX 11 at

    My motherboard is an ASUS P5N-D (750i SLI). Here's the link.

    ASUSTeK Computer Inc.

    My question is, do you guys think i'll have any compatibility issues? is there anything that you see in my system specs that will cause problems? And, will my CPU bottleneck the new card? It's a quad core at 2.5ghz? it shouldn't but, because it's slower im wondering if it will.

    Forgot to mention, i'm also going to install Win 7 Home 64-bit when i do this upgrade. Should i reinstall windows before or after i install the new video card?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 193
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    I used to have the same board (P5N-D) with a q9400 installed. I bought a GTX 460 and had no problems whatsoever. I can only assume that the 470 will have better performance.

    If you are going with 64 bit, I would upgrade to 4GB memory dual channel. The fastest memory that board can handle is PC6400 (800MHz). I saw an increase in performance when I did this. You could save money, get a 460 and upgrade your memory.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64, Ubuntu Linux
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, but i think i'm going with the 470. maybe i'll pick up a stick of ram when i get the card.
      My Computer


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