Antialiasing and Nvidia Control Panel

  1. Posts : 913
    Windows 7 x64 Professional

    Antialiasing and Nvidia Control Panel

    Here's a query:

    On, for example, Far Cry 2 I have all the display settings on full, including antialiasing (can be set to x8). However on my Nvidia Control Panel the antialiasing mode setting is set to 'override application setting' (see attachment).

    My question is this: in order to get the best from my game should I set the game's settings on full (or to whatever I want) and set the Nvidia settings to full too (or to match those of the game)?

    I am confused by this because logic suggests that the Nvidia CP does actually override all other settings but when I run Crysis the game crashes if I have antialiasing on full but when I set the antialiasing to x4 then it runs fine. This would suggest that Nvidia CP doesn't override all other settings.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Antialiasing and Nvidia Control Panel-ncp.jpg  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,528
    Windows 7 x64 Ultimate

    On the Application Settings tab are there any preloaded applications there? Sometimes common games may be preloaded there with default settings. The globalsettings only get used if there is NOT a setting for a specific app on the applications tab.

    But anyway, you SHOULD set the settings for your specific games on the application settings tab rather than on the global settings tab so that you don't have issues like the one you are describing where two games are incompatoible with a single set of settings.

    As for who overrides who... I've found that it is somewhat random :/ It depends on exactly how/when the game or application applies it's settings I think. Sometimes the app overrides, sometimes it doesn't. I just tweak the applications settngs for the app in the nvidia control panel then also set the settings in the app to match how I want them.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 913
    Windows 7 x64 Professional
    Thread Starter

    Thanks, I'll play around with it and see what happens.
      My Computer


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