Screen resolution

  1. Posts : 1
    64 bit windows 7

    Screen resolution

    Hi, I've been connecting my laptop to my 37" tv via HDMI cable without a problem. I have recently got a 50" and when I connect my laptop to it, it's tells me to change the screen resolution to 1360. When I do this it makes the display ridiculously small. If I leave the screen resolution on what it is it makes videos on it seem like slow motion almost and flickery. What shall I do?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 4,280
    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit / XP Home sp3

    I've read somereally wierd thigs when connecting with a TV. I usually send then to a prgram called powerstrip. IOt allows you a lot of adjustments one may help with your situatation.
    Download PowerStrip

    Here is also a guide please take no offence to the title Powerstrip Guide for the powerstrip impaired

    Then their is also a tutorial about forcing DVI /HDMI resolutions and refresh rates that might help.
    Force DVI/HDMI resolutions and refresh rates
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,588
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

    Some TVs struggle with some computer setups, unless they specifically mention that they can work with a computer.

    How is your graphics card? That can be detrimental to higher resolutions.
    Last edited by DustSailor; 02 Jan 2011 at 19:12.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,941
    Linux CENTOS 7 / various Windows OS'es and servers

    Hi there
    If you are running in a Virtiual Machine using VBOX / VMWARE type of software you should be able to set the resolution to "Fit to Guest / Fit to Host" or similar.

    Note that the Virtual display adapter needs to be able to display at the resolution you want. You might have to increase the Virtual Video RAM size to get the screen resolution you need.

    If the Virtual video display adapter doesn't have the resolution you need then it's tough luck -- use the nearest you can make work.

    I don't know about XP mode -- that's another issue since I'm not sure it will even recognize HDMI video.

    If you are having problems with this on the HOST machine then you need to post the question in Hardware etc.

      My Computer


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