sapphire RADEON 6870 dual monitor display. problem.

  1. Posts : 11
    windos xp 32 SP3

    sapphire RADEON 6870 dual monitor display. problem.

    hey guys, i need a hand with my monitoring.

    i have just installed a radeon 6870 (which supports 6 monitors. it has 2 hdmi outs, 1 dvi out and 2 mini dvi outs. i want to set up 2 monitors. i currently have 2 hdmi cables going to my lcds, but windows 7 will only register the main monitor. in the display settings there is no second monitor and no option to extend the dekstop across the 2 monitors. the 2nd lcd is showing no signal even though it it plugged in correctly.

    any ideas? also i was thinking of getting dvi cables as the images are sharper, but would i have the same problem using the mini dvi outs?

    any help is appreciated.


      My Computer

  2. Posts : 398
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Hello, Welcome to seve nforums
    Does the 2nd monitor show up in device manager?

    Right click my computer
    click manager
    click device manager
    Expand Monitors

    May just need to update your drivers for ur 6870, Although they should be up to date enough to display 2 monitors by default drivers from Win Update.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11
    windos xp 32 SP3
    Thread Starter

    thanks for the reply. when i had both hdmi outs connected to the card it would only display the main display, and in the settings it wasnt registering the 2nd monitor at all. no option to extend display as i stated previously.

    now i have one hdmi out and one dvi out which is working fine. so both monitors are working. but i still need to get both hdmi outs working. i dont want to have one hdmi out and one dvi out as the screens look different in their display(dvi vs hdmi).
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 398
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Thats odd, are your video card drivers up to date 100%?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 19
    Windows 7 Ultimate

    I hope someone is still subscribed, or watching this thread, as I've got a similar problem. I've two dVI outs, and only one will work. Only one monitor registers under device manager too.Can't use the HDMI out as there's not enough space for my adapter, and I can't use the eyefinity as I don't have a monitor capable of using it, nor the adapter.
      My Computer


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