HD5450 Triple Monitor Support Problem

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  1. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Got it from UPS today!

    One moment of mild panic when I plugged it in. Windows detected the new monitor but the screen was blank. Went to display settings, enabled it, and:

    It's 3-Monitor PARTY TIME!!!

    (Using the one I linked to in POST #6) :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    A couple of more for those in the US at least (or what to look for elsewhere) that should work with any HD 5xxx or HD 6xxx series card regardless of who made it,

    Newegg.com - SAPPHIRE Active DisplayPort Adapter 100924 DisplayPort to DVI Interface

    ir if your card has the mini port,

    Newegg.com - POWERCOLOR Video Adapter ACTIVE MDP TO SL DVI-D ADAPTER-C Mini DisplayPort to DVI Interface
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Nice links, stormy13. :)

    It might be worth mentioning that for resolutions above 1920x1200 (WUXGA) you might need a powered Active adapter and you'll need to use the Dual-Link DVI port on your card. I'm not 100% sure since all three of my monitors are 1920X1080.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I got my Adapter today hooked it up and works great got all three of my monitors working fine,, thanks for the help with this prob every one.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Glad to hear it!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I-INC 25" Monitor Problem

    Hey guys I'm back again with another problem this time with my brand new 25" I-INC monitor, The screen shows nothing but white, i currently am using this monitor with a Active VGA Dongle,, the Dongle seems to be working plugged my 19" Samsung into and it works fine.. i even tried plugging it into my ps3 with an HDMI cable and to no avail..I can't even get the monitor menu to come up it's self, everything i try gives the same result. I was taking a shot in the dark with this brand because I never heard of them before. any help would be great..
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    I've got one of those I-INC jobbers myself (See "My Specs" below) and it's running off the secondary DVI connection. I tried it on the Display Port (using the adapter, of course) and it looked good. Good enough, in fact, that I'm considering getting another adapter for it.

    Three dumb questions:

    1) Have you tried it using the DVI?

    2) Have you gone to Display Settings and enabled it? I had a brief uh-oh moment (see Post #6 in this thread), but got it going.

    3) Check the manual for how to reset it. Under Input Setting make sure Auto Search is "On".

    I hope you didn't get a dud. I almost took mine back because the color temperature gave it a yellow cast on a lot of things, but after fiddling around with the monitor settings I got it good enough for a third screen.

    Let us know what you find. :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 professional 64bit
    Thread Starter

    I Had it working fine on the Display port,, this particular monitor does not have an DVI input just one VGA and 2 HDMI,,as soon as the monitor is powered on the screen goes white i looked into resetting it but u have to be able to see the menu i see nothing but White, I've asked around with this problem,, seems to be if your monitor is showing nothing but a white screen something has failed.. I got it from amazon. already shipped out the faulty one hopefully get a new one soon
    Last edited by Mundle101; 11 Feb 2011 at 01:46.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Good luck with the new one. :)
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    No Display port

    Hi all,

    This post exactly describes my problem, except that neither of my monitors have a displayport input.... I only have DVI and VGA.

    I'd be very grateful for any ideas how I can get 3 displays working without a display port input...?

    I have two IBM monitors (one straight VGA connection and one VGA cable plugged into the DVI output with a DVI to VGA adaptor) and a LCD tv connecting via HDMI

      My Computer

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