monitor goes white/green sometimes

  1. Posts : 851
    win 7 build 7600.16385 x64

    monitor goes white/green sometimes

    i am facing this problem off late

    the monitor goes white all of sudden,sometimes diff color

    what may be the problem

    1) is it lack of power from psu or faulty graphics card or faulty monitor cable or problem with monitor itself

    any help regarding this will be great

    i do rip movie which take 15+ hrs and sometimes it goes white after 80% completion of movie ripping you can imagine how it ll be

    note:i have updated latest graphics driver

    any help will be highly appreciated!!!

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 53,405
    Windows 10 Home x64

    When it goes white, does it stay that way? If so, while it is white, see if you can pull up the monitors menu. If you can, and it looks ok, then the monitor is ok. How are you hooked to the monitor? If using HDMI, check the DVI or VGA connections, or visa versa. If the same on all, and the monitor has been ruled out, it's likely your video card. Monitor the temps while it is working hard, and see if it is overheating. if you have a spare card, use that as a test. A Guy
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 851
    win 7 build 7600.16385 x64
    Thread Starter

    i havent checked with the menu will check next time
    i was playing a song and monitor went white and song stop that showed it wasnt just problem with monitor alone as the song which was playing was stopped

    will chek the temperature as it happens randomly sometimes just 5 mins after booting and sometime many hours after usage it goes blank so it may not be due to empor over heating ll check and report more next time

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,009
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    i do rip movie which take 15+ hrs and sometimes it goes white after 80% completion of movie ripping you can imagine how it ll be
    If those ripped movies (I think you mean converted...ripping shouldn't take nearly that long
    well if they finish ok after the screen goes blank it's the Monitor or Monitor cable
    If they go blank as well, it's your Computer (most likely the video card)

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1
    windows 7 ultimate x86

    Hello, I am having the very same problem as you. I feel it is a hardware problem. How did you fix the problem? Thank you.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 212
    WIN7 x64 Home Premium SP1

    I can't vouch for a white screen, but I just had a video card go on my Grand Daughters computer. The screen turned green with a pixelized motif, or red, or red with black bars top and bottom. When I first turned on the computer it would be OK, but shortly I could see irridescent green spots around some of the fonts, and when checking out something requiring graphics like a Youtube video, the green or red screen would appear with a possible bsod. Replacing the video card fixed it.
    Your symptoms may vary, but I hope this helps. :)
      My Computer


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