GPU Bios showing up before Mobo BIOS (slowing boot up time)

  1. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    GPU Bios showing up before Mobo BIOS (slowing boot up time)

    So recently I purchased a Galaxy GTX 460 768MB video card. I was previously using a BFG Tech GTX 275. When I first installed the GPU I was on an ASUS P5B Deluxe WiFI Edition motherboard. I am now on an ASRock P64 Extreme4 motherboard. I mention the old mobo because the problem has been the same regardless. So I link the issue to the GPU.

    Anywho, the new Galaxy card on boot, displays it's own Bios information before the mobo Bios page shows up. It's actually the first thing I see on my monitor. It just simply displays Galaxy Bios version (etc. etc. etc). It doesn't last for more than 3-4 seconds, but I personally feel it's an unnecessary delay. Especially since I'm so adamant about computer efficiency and I try to get my boot up times as fast as possible. Just a personal hobby I enjoy! So I was curious if there is a way to disable this initial Bios screen? I did many google searches and couldn't find the problem to a a perfect description. Some people did mention that it has to do with a motherboard conflict, but that's why I mentioned bother motherboards. One was old, and the one I'm on now is brand new. I've never purchased a Galaxy card until now, so I'm curious if it's unique to their brand? I've never updated Bios on a video card before and I'm not sure if it'd cure the problem either. Anyone familiar with this situation? Thank you!

    Edit: I'll take a picture of the Bios screen and post it quick. I just thought about doing it, but I typed this entire message and I can't do that unless I restart!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,562
    windows 10 pro 64 bit

    It will still have to do it's thing...even if you manage to make it disappear....I have had systems in the past that has done that same thing...if speed is what your after a SSD will do more for that.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Well I have a PNY Nvidia card, and get exactly the same thing. As Ivan said, I suspect even if you did somehow manage to disable it, your boot time wouldn't be improved, as the card would still need to initialise, it would just do it in the background rather than displaying a message.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    It's a Nvidia thing. As far as I know some cards do it and some don't. I've had one Nvidia card in the past that didn't (6600 GT or 7600 GT, don't remember which), and all others back to an ancient GF2 400 had the card's bios show before anything else. Have also never seen it on any ATI card I have had.

    As for getting rid of it, short of attempting to mod the bios on the card so that it doesn't show (don't recommend this unless you like the idea of possible turning the card into a fancy paperweight) it is just something you have to live with.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,606
    Windows 7 Pro X64 SP1

    Most of the nVidia cards I've acquired in recent years have had the card's BIOS display turned off.

    Sometimes I've turned it on by flashing it with firmware that has the switch turned on.

    It appears to make no difference in the boot time.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 12
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64
    Thread Starter

    Yea, I don't think I'd want to mod the BIOS on a video card. Perhaps it's just appearing to be slower only because I see something on the screen as opposed to a black screen. My boot up time is still very good, I'm just a picky person with my machine.

    As far as SSD, I used to fear them for the read/write wear, but today's SSD's are outstanding and will last longer than I need them, that's for sure. I'll consider it if I ever find some decent prices. I only want it for Windows boot up so I wouldn't need anything too large. Ok thanks for responding, take care =)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,496
    7 Ultimate x64

    You can set the board's bios to display the ASRock splash screen if you don't want to see all the post stuff.
      My Computer


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