faint lines when in full screen games. using d3doverider calms it alot

  1. Posts : 3
    windows 7 home premium 64bit

    faint lines when in full screen games. using d3doverider calms it alot

    horizontal faint lines when in full screen games. using d3doverider(bundled with rivatuner) calms it alot and makes it dissapear in alot of games. I upgraded from my 5870 which was fine to my new ATI 6990. tested it on several screens and it makes no difference. So V-Sync and triple buffer has a positive effect on calming it. Often have to force it with third party software.

    https://www.sevenforums.com/attachm [...] g_0210.rar
    a milder version of this that is harder to see.

    i'm convinced it's to do with the graphics card being too fast or ''too good' for the screen and the image somehow can't keep up which causes the lines. was thinking about getting a 100hz refresh rate. The Card is brand new and works(with lines ) anyone know any work arounds like other cables that work like. 1 place in video card 2. place in monitor(dummies guide please)
    my screen(not sure if it's important)

    anyone had what is shown in the video or simiilar,or solved it?

    intel i7 2.8ghz oc 3.9ghz
    ati HD 6990
    18gb ram
    850watt(over recom)
    i do have 2 sets of different types of ram of the same type in.

    i have 3 sets of rame(of the same precise type) worth 4gb,4gb,4gb (12)and another 3 cards worth 2gb,2gb,2gb(6)=18

    i'm really desperate,paypal donations anyone for the messiah healer?

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,588
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit

    Hello Joe, and welcome to Sevenforums

    No, your graphics card speed shouldn't effect your monitor's ability to interpret it. Is it set to 60MHz?

    • If you could please Fill out your system specs (this tool may help you out a great deal), it would help find a fix to your problem.
    • You shouldn't have to install anything to fix that problem. Does this change when you lower the graphics settings? Do you have the latest drivers for your graphics card (I can help you look after you enter your system specs)?
    • How many watts does your power supply have, and what kind is it (You could put that info into the system specs)? *EDIT [[just found you mentioned it already]]*
    • What is wrong with keeping v-sync and triple buffer on? Does the game not have these options?
    • Is any part of your computer too hot or overheating, and does it get enough airflow? Have you cleaned out all the dust recently?
    • Does your new card have a control panel (from the driver) that can force v-sync and triple buffering? I wouldn't use third party software as a fix to my graphical problems unless as a last resort. See if disabling them helps at all
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    windows 7 home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter


    No, your graphics card speed shouldn't effect your monitor's ability to interpret it. Is it set to 60MHz?

    • If you could please Fill out your system specs (this tool may help you out a great deal), it would help find a fix to your problem.
    • You shouldn't have to install anything to fix that problem. Does this change when you lower the graphics settings? nope Do you have the latest drivers for your graphics card (I can help you look after you enter your system specs)? yep
    • How many watts does your power supply have, and what kind is it (You could put that info into the system specs)? *EDIT [[just found you mentioned it already]]*
    • What is wrong with keeping v-sync and triple buffer on? Does the game not have these options? d3doverider can force it on in games using v sync and triple buffer which stops the lines
    • Is any part of your computer too hot or overheating, and does it get enough airflow? Have you cleaned out all the dust recently?, my 6990 is 56 centegrade,nothingi s overheating
    • Does your new card have a control panel (from the driver) that can force v-sync and triple buffering? I wouldn't use third party software as a fix to my graphical problems unless as a last resort. See if disabling them helps at all

    forcing v sync on catalyst does not normally do anything


    specs incoming
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,218
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    joe462140 said:
    forcing v sync on catalyst does not normally do anything


    specs incoming
    v-sync should sort the issue out, triple buffering is only there to provide a stable framerate while V-sync is on, seeing as you have a more than adequate PC to do the job, you shouldn't need triple buffering on at all, it's mainly reserved for people with less powerful PC's to help them get what appears to be a smoother framerate.

    so, how does V-sync work?

    Your present monitor should be outputting at a frequency of 60hz, but your graphics card will be outputting at a higher frequency, now v-sync is the process of waiting for your monitor to catch up with the graphics card, it waits for your monitor to read the vertical scanlines (hence the V in V-sync), now when v-sync is turned off, those lines will be processing faster than your monitor can handle, you will see diagonal tearing, what you see is the next frame overlapping the previous frame.

    In laymans terms hz=fps, so if the game your playing is getting 300fps, then you will need V-sync on to reduce the frames to the frequency of your monitor, getting a faster frequency monitor will not fix the problem, it will still be present unfortunately.
      My Computer


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