HD RADEON 5450 Freezing issue while playing games

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  1. Posts : 236

    ok the motherboard does support that cpu type.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 236

    karlsnooks said:

    DAEMON Tools Pro    
    Dota 2    
    System Requirements Lab CYRI

    You have some hacked software installed.


    There are signs of one or more P2P (Peer to Peer) File Sharing Programs on your computer.

    As long as you are using any form of P2P networking to download files, you can anticipate malware infestations.

    References citing the risk of using P2P programs:
    How cyber criminals infect victims via P2P with pirated software on Vimeo
    Malware: Help prevent the Infection
    Perils of P2P File Sharing
    How to Prevent the Online Invasion of Spyware and Adware
    The Hidden Security Risks of P2P Traffic

    I strongly recommend that you uninstall:

    aside from the obvious known issues of peer to peer filesharing normally used for the download of illegal files there are legitimate files available for download via those applications from patching games to getting copies of software you already own.

    i'd like to point out to you as well that most online games use p2p file transfer to perform updates and game client downloads.

    and while it's relatively sound advice it isn't relevant to the issue at hand regarding his graphics issue, considering they have never once been known to cause gpu failures i don't really think utorrent and bit torrent are pressing issues for this thread.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 9
    64 bit
    Thread Starter

    karlsnooks said:
    Since you have refused to go to the gigabyte site to learn about your product, then I'm wishing you success in your independent endeavors.
    no need to be like that its just u have the wrong rev, its 3.1 not the old 1.3

      My Computer

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