Graphics Card Possibly Failing

  1. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 premium 64 bit

    Graphics Card Possibly Failing

    Hi Guys,

    I have a Win 7 custom built computer. I'm running a Radeon HD 6790 graphics card, 8gb ram, a gigabyte GA-A75M-s2v motherboard with a AMD A8 3Ghz processor.

    I had originally had the cpu overclocked, but it lead to some stability issues, so I brought it back to default. Not long after I started experiencing a weird issue where what appeared to be randomly, my monitor would either go blank, or blue, or all sorts of wonky vertical lines, or look like it got spliced and wrapped funny (I attached some pics, sorry about the quality). Often the sound still works, and when the monitor drops my computers fans seem to kick up a notch.

    It seemed to be only when I was on a web browser, and never affected any games I ran. I tried to hunt down the problem, wiping an reloading most of the software, wiping the hard drive, furmark and memtest. Nothing seemed to set it off. I swapped out PSU's for something bigger (1000W now), but still the web browsing set it off.

    Recently it started to drop me out of video games, and sometimes it strikes once or twice and then leaves me alone for a few days, but its getting really consistent now, multiple times per hour.

    When it crashes, I reset the comp, and I have scoured the error reports, but nothing comes up other than unexpected resets and kernel power, which I understand is when I improperly shut it down. So nothing really monitor related.

    I want to say its my graphics card dying, but I really have no idea. Anyone here that can help?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    Uninstall the graphics card and run on the iGPU for a couple of days and see if the problem persists.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Okay, I believe it is the graphics card. Not a single crash since I uninstalled and removed it. Any recommendations on a mid tier card to replace it with?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,741
    W7 Pro x64 SP1 | W10 Pro IP x64 | W8.1 Pro x64 VM | Linux Mint VM

    If you can give us a budget we'll get one recommended for you mate.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 premium 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    I'm not really looking to pay anything over $160-$175 kinda range.
      My Computer

  6.   My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,822
    Windows10 Pro - 64Bit vs.10547

    you could try baking it - sounds drastic, but I rescued one of mine this way
    it's seals any cracked solder joints..
      My Computer


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