MSI Radeon 7850 won't boot past Windows Logo screen
My first time ever posting in a forum regarding help with a PC. I apologize if I ramble off too much.
My Specs:
Moba: ASrock Z77 Extreme 4
CPU:Interl i5-2500k @3.30
PSU: ZT 650W
GPU: Radeon 7850
Here is the story.
About three weeks ago I was playing GW2, out of no where my screen glitches and gives me the blue screen of death. I boot it up and I kept getting that screen. I send MSI my card for an RMA. They send me back another one.
I plugged it in and everything works fine. I play for about 5-7 hours(had a day off to catch up)
Everything works great, I wake up the next day, start looking things on Reddit and I noticed this digitized screen and BAM! I get the blue screen of death. I freak out. OMG!OMG!
Every time I would boot up my PC through the GPU, the monitor would not turn on for about 2 minutes and then it would turn on but with a blank black screen. No errors on the mother board debugger by the way. I can however boot up through my MOBA internal graphics. I delete all of my drivers for the AMD and did CMOS reset. Nothing worked. I tried both of the PCI slots as well.
I waited for my neighbor to get home to see if it's the GPU. I put it in his PC and it boots up just fine. So I take it back home and think it's my MOBA. So I say "Let me try this again." I plug it in and BAM! It works again. So I play for a few hours and left the computer on over night. I woke up before work and turned off my PC. I come back home and it doesn't work again. This time it's different.
The GPU boots up my PC all the way to the Windows Logo and then goes into a blank black screen, only through the DVI port. The HDMI ports doesn't even turn on the monitor. I've tried booting it up into safe mode and it freezes. I have to check at which part.(I forgot to write it down before I typed this.)
I am not sure of what to do anymore. Please help.