I went back to my old monitor, but now it doesn't look right.
I have been using an old CRT monitor for years. I recently bought an LCD monitor, but didn't like how it looked. So I switched back to my old CRT. The problem is, now the CRT has some of the LCD's settings. I changed all the settings I know of (Screen Resolution, AMD Vision Control Center settings, monitor brightness/contrast settings) back to the correct settings for the CRT. But now, it has ugly, "digital-looking" (for lack of a better term) text, just like the LCD did. My old CRT used to have beautiful, very readable text. But now it has the thin, pixelly text that I had never seen until I got the LCD (especially on web-pages). Also, all the text on my CRT now looks a little blurry (before I got the LCD, it always looked as sharp as a pin). And I can't put my finger on it, but some things look a little darker than they used to, and some things look a little too bright (some white web-pages look too bright, some photos look too dark, even though I have set my monitor brightness and contrast settings back to normal, and didn't and still don't have any brightness and contrast settings from the software end of things). It can't be that my eyes got used to the LCD, because I didn't use it long enough for that to happen.
The only thing I can think of is that some of the drivers for my graphics card (an integrated ATI Radeon HD 4200) may have somehow locked on to certain settings optimized for the LCD screen, and just won't let go of them now that I have started using my old CRT again.
Does anyone know what this problem could be, or how to fix it?