Laptop Monitor Screen Connected To External Monitor Resolution Issue
I have a dell laptop that has 1920x1080 resolution. However, i connect it to an external monitor that has 1920x1200 resolution. Basically almost everything i do is on my external monitor which acts as my main primary screen. Thus i do sometimes open some windows or drag a window or so to the other screen like youtube etc to the laptop screen which is the secondary monitor.
My issue at the moment is everything is way too big on the laptop screen. I want to have 1920x1080 resolution but its way too big. I googled what is my resolution on it and it shows 1536 x 864. Can someone tell me how to change this to 1920x1080? I googled what is my resolution on the external monitor and it does show 1920x1200 which is correct.
My external monitor which is my main monitor is fine at the moment with the 1920x1200. Its windows 10 but im assuming this should be very similar to windows 7 to fix this issue?