ATI theater mode not working
Hi, I have Sapphire Radeon 4830 with a monitor as my main display and a TV with s-video as secondary. (extended desktop) All drivers are up to date and I use ATI catalyst control center (latest version). I previously had XP and when theater mode was turned on in CCC, I would open a video file on the monitor it would show video fullscreen on the TV. I could then minimize the player and the video would still play on TV. This also worked with embedded videos on web pages, some flash videos and almost all Divx videos. I know that I can just simply drag the video over to the tv and maximize, but doing this with streaming web videos confuses my monitors. The next time I try to open firefox, it opens up on the tv instead of my monitor. To fix it I have to disable the tv and reboot. (major pain in the....) Is there a way to get Theater mode to work properly on Windows 7?