Direct X 11
Just wondering if Win7 will come with Direct X 11?
Yes, and a wonderful new file system too
Any idea about the file system ?. And if Windows Vista & Windows 7 could work as a dual boot option.
Yes DX 11 Confirmed + New File System as Well as you can see its built 69xx and Windows 7 Means new File System NT 7 as we can see in xp Its 5 then Vista Gets NT 6 and now soon we can get a new file system in Windows 7 NT 7. 6954 Built is running when i m typing this post. So soon we get a nt 7 with 7xxx Built.
does the 32bit support 4gb ram ? cuz back in the day 32bit xp only shows 3.3
xp and vista and seven wont see 4 gb of ram..
actually it depends on how much total memory your sytem has...
not just ram....
but if you have a gfx card it will also map that memory too
as far as i know only x32 server editions have the PAE to support more than 3.5 i think is the limit with intergrated...