Blurry text? Forceware Drivers? Nvidia custom display.

  1. Posts : 93
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit

    Blurry text? Forceware Drivers? Nvidia custom display.

    I have already solved the problem but I was still wondering if others have experienced the same... On the latest drivers, Window 7 text looks like crap... No amount of tweaking could fix it... The built in custom display could not create my native resolution adequately, neither could Rivatuner.. I would make the custom resolution (Samsung 203B native 1400X1050) and apply it but everything would become even worse and my monitor still gave me the "Not native resolution" warning every time I turned my monitor back on.... Everything looked fine without dedicated video card but once I installed my graphics card (Asus EN9600GT OC Edition) and the latest drivers, things went ugly and the control panel could not create custom resolution properly... after messing with it a bit I gave in and tried a few different newer drivers to no avail, until I dropped back to NVIDIA DRIVERS 186.18 WHQL which also came with the older Nvidia control panel... Now everything works like a charm but I wonder if anyone else has had similar experience?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 93
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit
    Thread Starter

    On a side note windows experience index dropped from 7.0 to 6.8 with the driver downgrade
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8
    Windows 7

    I am experiencing the same problem after doing a clean install and installing the latest drivers.

    The rc version did not have as many issues and problems as I am experiencing now. It is getting harder to resist going back to xp and waiting for MS to get it right. I need to be able to rely on my system to be stable when work comes in and not be worrying if something is going to crash again.

    I know this issue is not a Windows 7 fault, but it is just another straw on the camels back.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6,885
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mint 9

    Make sure you download the latest drivers from NVidias website, and make sure they are compatible with W7.

      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8
    Windows 7

    Nvidia have acknowledged that there is a problem and have released a version 197.13 to address this issue.
      My Computer


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