Ok Try Installing the 71 driver as it may be the the hardware type is displayed wrong or was flashed wrong, second can you look in the HWID drop list for 'FailReasonString' and if it is there can you enter what it puts
Dont have that string?
Also do you mean the AU6371 Driver ?
Right okay then, have you uninstalled the driver from the computer, shutdown and diconnected the card? then reboot/ reinstall software, shut down plug device back in and seen if the card is accepted?
And yes i mean the AU6371
AU6371 failed to complete installation.
and yes tried that method, as I have 3 Usb ports on the m/board have tried all 3 as I have :
USB2 - front audio connectors from pc case
USB3 - media card reader
USB4 - blank
Tried switching them around, and disconnecting audio connectors with no joy.
Its not the card reader it works on another machine and the usb works on this, could it be usb 2.0 needs new driver for my m/board as the website doesnt give an update for x64.
Unfortunatly that seems to be the case that this hardware does not have x64 support and i have looked through the sites available and it seems to have been aimed at Xp and vista x86, so i guess you were fortunate to have it work on windows 7, unless you can get in touch with the Company and ask if they have the driver available seperate i cannot help any more.
Good Luck EwOkiE
Address:Block B ,Shui wei Industrial Park,Hua chuang road ,Da lang street,Longhua town ,Baoan district, Shenzhen city ,China
For product inquiry,please kindly send mail to .
That is the Contact Details for the supplier of the driver, unless you can dual boot the 32bit Win7 and Find out the Exact Driver Details that was assigned.
yeah thanks....
Maybe revert back to XP or 32 bit Win7.
Thanks anyway
Okay Buddy Good luck but if it works in Windows 7 32 bit why not just revert back to that, unless you have over 3.25Gb RAM you wont get much out of the x64 bit