The Core I5 and GFX Card
Hey guys :)
I have a question...
I have a Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz, and since I have a few bucks saved up, I've decided to upgrade to a Core i5, duo or quad... What would you guys recommend? Does an i5 Core2Duo make enough of a difference in performance to upgrade?
My second question, I've visited a hardware shop, told him I'm thinking about upgrading my desktop PC's processor.. He told me that I'll need to get rid of my RAM because the motherboards for the Core i5 processor use DDR3.. now, is that true?
Another thing he told me is that my current GFX card, XFX Nvidia 9600 GT (Green edition) would also not be compatible with new motherboard, and that I'll need to upgrade to the GT 2xx series..
In general, I tend to be really knowledgeable about such things, however, motherboards are seriously NOT my forte.. Whenever I googled the 9600 GT and i5 motherboard keywords, I didn't get any results that mentioned that the card are not compatible with the new processor's motherboards.. However, it never to asks a fellow human!
Thank you for your time!