Processor upgrade dilemma

  1. Posts : 398
    Windows 10 Pro (x64)

    Processor upgrade dilemma

    My brother wants to upgrade from his x2 5000+ (he has m2ne mobo, 2 gigs ddr2) to a newer AMD processor. His budget is tight, so he wants to make sure that he buys the right one. His choices are:

    Ahlon II x4 635/640
    Phenom II x4 945

    Obviously it would be real good if Athlon II X4 gave good money to performance ratio (decent compression/encoding/gaming performance), rather than Phenom II X4, as the series is at least 2000 Rupees costlier !

    Any suggestions guys :) ?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,018
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    The main difference between Athlon II and Phenom II is Athlon II lacks L3 cache. This article from Tom's hardware should help in your decision and weighing whether the extra cost is worth it: Athlon II Or Phenom II: Does Your CPU Need L3 Cache? : L3 Cache: How Important Is It To AMD?

    If you're going for saving the most money, then the Athlon II 640 would be the better choice.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 42
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32x

    Phenom II is definitely worth it
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,941
    Linux CENTOS 7 / various Windows OS'es and servers

    SilverStar said:
    Phenom II is definitely worth it
    Hi there -- this *might* or *might not* be true -- without ANY reasons as to why you have said its worth it the Post is really meaningless.

    Please at least SPECIFY at least one reason why you think this processor is worth it.

    It probably is worth it based on the specs but at least post your reasons otherwise the post is just a waste of Internet Bandwidth.

      My Computer

  5. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    Are you sure he has a compatible socket? The 5000+ is on an AM2 socket and the ones you propose need AM2+ or AM3 sockets.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 42
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32x

    jimbo45 said:
    SilverStar said:
    Phenom II is definitely worth it
    Hi there -- this *might* or *might not* be true -- without ANY reasons as to why you have said its worth it the Post is really meaningless.

    Please at least SPECIFY at least one reason why you think this processor is worth it.

    It probably is worth it based on the specs but at least post your reasons otherwise the post is just a waste of Internet Bandwidth.

    Easy, L3 cache. even though its a small difference, Phenom would perform greater as the process becomes greater. some benchmark results i found from the link above: Benchmark Results: 3DMark, Games : Athlon II Or Phenom II: Does Your CPU Need L3 Cache?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    phenom II quadcore would be a better choice obviously more power more capabilities

    if your board is backwards compatable am2+ am3 good if not your are stuck with the athlon and right now why get a mid range phenom when the 965 blk edition is 20 dollars more then the 945 being that the new hexcore lowered the blk edition prices

    Im upgrading soon from a 925 phenom 2.8 to the black 965 why cause no need for hexcore and if i upgrade my board to am3 only i still have choices and wont have to purchase another cpu for along while

    think of the long run instead of your wallet you can always be patient and save a little more
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    Latest official bios (3001) for that board supports up to the x4 945, and there is a beta bios (5001) that came out the 25th of June that added AM3 support. Go here,

    ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Support-

    go through the dropdowns and select the board. You can also see the CPU support list here,

    ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Support-
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 398
    Windows 10 Pro (x64)
    Thread Starter

    whs said:
    Are you sure he has a compatible socket? The 5000+ is on an AM2 socket and the ones you propose need AM2+ or AM3 sockets.
    Yes, he has the support, but he has to flash the BIOS to a more recent one, as Stormy13 mentioned.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 4

    Get 2 more gigs of ram

    Have the same mother board I would get 2 more gig of ram first. I have 4 gigs with windows 7 64 bit and works great. If you get a new CPU you will probable need to flash the BIOS. Asus web site has good information.
    GB Johnny333
      My Computer


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