I/O Magic 320GB External Hard Drive Not Working/Recognized

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Professional

    I/O Magic 320GB External Hard Drive Not Working/Recognized

    I have a 320GB I/O Magic external hard drive that I copied all my data to for moving to my new Windows 7 machine (which I just purchased today). Only problem is the new machine is either not recognizing the drive or it's not working with Windows 7. At first it showed as the I drive but when I clicked on it to access my files it just clocked and clocked and My Computer eventually stopped responding. Then it didn't show up as a drive at all. Then it was there again, and so on. Been playing with it all day with no success.

    Drive has been plugged into an XP Home machine and there are several applications installed on it because the hard drive on my old machine was full.

    Any suggestions?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,035
    Vista 64 Ultimate, Windows 7 64 Ultimate, Ubuntu 9.10

    Are you using a powered adapter for your drive or depending on the USB connection to supply the power? If you are depending on the USB it may be due to too much power already being used and not enough to power it sufficiently for the drive to work correctly, if powered by its own adapter check it on another USB port known to be working, these are what I would try if this was something I was needing to troubleshoot on a system I owned or was working on, good luck.
      My Computer


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