scsi problems with 7 64 bit

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    scsi problems with 7 64 bit

    I have a problem I have a Adaptec 2930-cu SCSI card installed that I want to drive a UMAX Powerlook II and a Kodak 2035 film scanner but the drivers won't install for the SCSI can anybody help and MagicScan 4.5 won't install either. Is there a work around for this or a 64 bit version available? I previuosly had them working on Win 2000.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,752
    Windows 7 Pro x64 (1), Win7 Pro X64 (2)

    wysiwyg33 said:
    I have a problem I have a Adaptec 2930-cu SCSI card installed that I want to drive a UMAX Powerlook II and a Kodak 2035 film scanner but the drivers won't install for the SCSI can anybody help and MagicScan 4.5 won't install either. Is there a work around for this or a 64 bit version available? I previuosly had them working on Win 2000.
    I don't think it's supported. Certainly the drivers for the device are not included in Win7.

    Some devices (e.g. the 29160) had their drivers provided by Adaptec after Win7 was released, but if you try to install Win7 without providing these external drivers you won't be able to.

    In contrast, newer U320 cards (e.g. the 29320 series, 39320, etc.) are supported out-of-the-box with Win7.

    I don't have any external SCSI devices, so I don't have to worry about connector compatibility with old SCSI devices. My SCSI devices are all internal... hard drives, and HP SCSI DAT tape drives (DDS5 and DDS6).

    I already had a 39320 card in one machine (Supermicro C2SBX motherboard which included PCI-x slots) I was upgrading to Win7, so I had no problem on that machine. But on my other machine where I had a 29160n (in a standard PCI slot) I could not install Win7. This was before Adaptec finally made Win7 drivers available for the 29160 family in mid-2010.

    So for that machine, I decided to buy a 29320alp card. Now theoretically this is a U320 card and requires a PCI-x slot to run in U320 mode. But the motherboard in that machine didn't have PCI-x slots. However the PCI-x cards will actually fit into a PCI slot (with their rear-end hanging out!) and will then be supported in U160 mode instead of U320 mode.

    So the 29320alp card will fit into an existing PCI slot, will run in standard 32-bit U160 mode, and is supported by Win7 out-of-the-box (because it's a 29320 series card).

    You might need to consider doing something like this, replacing your old card as I did.

    Here is the chart of Adaptec devices supported by Win7.

    And as far as very old products and software, well this is just the nature of moving forward with modern OS's and 64-bit Win7. Some programs simply won't install (typically, 16-bit products), or won't run properly, or require special compatibility settings to run, or must be run in the formal "WinXP emulation in Win7" (which is the extreme worst case when you absolutely cannot live without the old legacy program that simply will not run "native" or in "standard compatibility mode", and the vendor is long gone.

    So failing finding a replacement piece of software/hardware, I think that extreme "WinXP emulation in Win7" solution is touted as being a way your old programs actually can still survive and run. I myself don't use this capability, as I've found new Win7-compatible replacement products for my remaining two old legacy programs which would not install/run under Win7 when I upgraded.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 28,845
    Win 8 Release candidate 8400

    wysiwyg33 said:
    I have a problem I have a Adaptec 2930-cu SCSI card installed that I want to drive a UMAX Powerlook II and a Kodak 2035 film scanner but the drivers won't install for the SCSI can anybody help and MagicScan 4.5 won't install either. Is there a work around for this or a 64 bit version available? I previuosly had them working on Win 2000.
    Um win 2000 was a decade ago. You should check the mfr's to see if they have 64 bit driver for win 7 or vista (either will work)

    If no newer driver is available you can install drivers in compatibility mode

    (right click the installer>properties>compatibility>choose OS)
      My Computer


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