Mouse/Keyboard Freeze

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  1. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Your mother board is Intel.

    So go here and make sure all the drivers for the rest of system is up to date. Just click "Check your system...." It will check all the Intel drivers including USB drivers.
    Intel® Driver Update Utility

    Didn't think of that earlier. Sorry.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 752

    Hey, Kim... Mike too.

    I read the first post and it says that after a hard reboot the PC works fine, and no hang-ups of any kind? so that means that is probably not a driver issue, have you ran a malware scan? just to be sure? Malwarebytes' will do the trick.

    To answer your last question, a USB Hub is a device that connects to a USB port and you can connect up to (i don't know how many) but usually 4 ~ 6 other USB devices.. i guess your PC doesn't have one, all the USB ports in the back of your case are from the motherboard, and the front ones are connected to the internal USB connector on the motherboard but they're from the case!

    Try to switch your mouse/keyboard with another ones, to double check if they're giving the trouble, if you change mouse/keyboard and the issue remains, do a malware scan! trial and error, here :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 50
    Win7 Ultimate x64

    Greetings all!

    It seems best for me to post here, but I can start a new thread if necessary.

    I have done everything mentioned in this thread and even some additional things, and I still cannot get my every-few-minutes keyboard-mouse freeze to go away. Every few minutes or so, I hear a "Device Disconnect" sound and my keyboard and mouse freeze until that activity has ended. I have cleaned up all USB drivers like suggested in this thread, and I have ejected the USB stick I use for booting this mult-boot machine. The only other USB devices connected are my keyboard and mouse (though a KVM switch), and an USB mic adapter used for Win7 SpeechRecognition. I have yet to detach that adapter to see whether it might somehow be the culprit, but I cannot imagine why it would regularly disconnect even while SpeechRecognition had not even been running.

    All suggestions or help greatly appreciated!


    PS: This seems to not happen while SpeechRecognition is running (presently in "Sleep" mode).
      My Computer

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