CD/DVD RW Drive is reading DVDs, but not CDs

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  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Well, it's not even registering DVD's anymore, I don't think it was a driver problem as much as just a worn out piece. I'll be getting another soon from my friend's cousin, and I'll see if that works. Thanks for all of your help though dude, if someone else sees this thread, they're most likely gonna find what they need, unless theirs is worn down too.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    WinXp Home

    As many people have and will have cd/dvd combo drives at least for a while into the future I thought it might be pertinent to mention that combo drives contain two lasers. One for the CD-rom operations and one for the DVD operations. Apparently aside from the fact that dirt/dust/etc can build up and it might help to clean the lens.

    I had been reading some about a stated issue where the cd-rom laser is not engaging quite to the height that it should and that fixing it involves using a multi-meter and minute(sp? mine-nute) changes. I have not read enough to properly understand, try and report on this at this time though.

    What really stinks is the fact that if my cd-rom/dvd drive is just dirty and thus having issues with the cd-rom portion it is a real pain as I have a lens cleaner disc however it is a cd-rom disc and therefore the drive only engages for a few seconds for which I doubt it has done any good :)

    It's too bad that there are not programs to tell people how well the laser is reading a disc and one could know about the impending dirt buildup or failure of a cd-rom/dvd drive.
      My Computer

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