can't access drive after new win 7 installation

  1. Posts : 4

    can't access drive after new win 7 installation

    hello, l've recently re-installed windows 7 on my computer, it used to have windows 7 and windows XP ( dual boot) but it got really slow so l had to re-install win 7 but the problem now is that my ''D'' drive wont open , it sais cant access D drive when I try to open it, it was the drive that used to contain the windows XP files and l have some really important stuff on it and now l cant access them , btw l installed windows 7 on the "c" drive after l formated it, and there was no problem with the "D" drive b4 installation
    here's a pic of my problem , plz l really need help cuz the things on that drive are reallly importanttt thank you ..

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails can't access drive after new win 7 installation-0001.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,562
    windows 10 pro 64 bit

    Disconnect the data and power connections boot up...shut down...reconnect drive....restart....if that doesn't work, replace the IDE or sata cable.....
      My Computer


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