Are my temps to high?

  1. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit

    Are my temps to high?

    Okay just want to make sure my temps are not too high because its like 80 deg up stairs in my house and that's where the computer is.

    One other question is it okay if I added a fan to my case blowing out? I only have one fan and i'm pretty sure it blows in and I just Cleaned all the dust out of my PC
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    That does sounds a bit high to me under a failry idle load of 2%. These are my temperatures at the moment, and its 28 degrees Celcius inside my house.

    I think adding an additional fan as an exhaust will certainly help keep it cooler.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Are my temps to high?-capture2.png  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 752

    Is that under loads or idle? because i have a room that's always at 28șC and my processor temp is 34șC with arctic silver 5 thermal compound and OEM heatsink/fan
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    If those are CPU temps, they are high, but not distastrously high:

    Here are some sample CPU temps on my Core 2 Duo at different times:

    83 ambient, minor load: 43

    80 ambient, using the Intel TAT tool to stress the CPU: 60

    72 ambient; minor load: 34

    The ambients are Fahrenheit; the others are Celsius.

    I wouldn't freak out, but I'd get to the bottom of it. It's too high--assuming the temps are accurate and the CPU is not under a serious load.

    The left hand side of the screen says a test took about 18 seconds and the WR (world record?) is about 6 seconds. I'm wondering if you just took a stress test when the measurement was taken? Was this a Pi test or similar?

    I have a desktop. I assume laptops run a bit hotter.

    If it's during or immediately after a stress, I'd ignore it until I knew the non-stress temps.

    Regarding fans. If its a desktop, you should already have a fan on the backside, and it should be pulling air OUT.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    jessejw said:
    Okay just want to make sure my temps are not too high because its like 80 deg up stairs in my house and that's where the computer is.
    They are far from ideal. Is your heatsink properly attached (all push pins fully and firmly seated etc)

    One other question is it okay if I added a fan to my case blowing out? I only have one fan and i'm pretty sure it blows in and I just Cleaned all the dust out of my PC
    Out for the 2nd fan. Exhaust the heat build up.

    Where is the current fan located - in the front, or the rear?

    Front for intake, rear for exhaust.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 158
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit
    Thread Starter

    smarteyeball said:
    jessejw said:
    Okay just want to make sure my temps are not too high because its like 80 deg up stairs in my house and that's where the computer is.
    They are far from ideal. Is your heatsink properly attached (all push pins fully and firmly seated etc)

    One other question is it okay if I added a fan to my case blowing out? I only have one fan and i'm pretty sure it blows in and I just Cleaned all the dust out of my PC
    Out for the 2nd fan. Exhaust the heat build up.

    Where is the current fan located - in the front, or the rear?

    Front for intake, rear for exhaust.
    The fan is on the rear it has a small fan I left the window open upstairs in my house the temp is around 72 now and my temps dropped a lot.


    This is were the computer is

    One side is way closer then the other, but this side has no vents or fans on it.

    This side has some room about 5" and has vents on it and there is room in the back were the fan is
      My Computer


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