Device Connectivity Issue

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 I think!)

    Device Connectivity Issue

    Firsty, apologies if this has been posted before, but I am losing my mind so hope you friendly folks can help!

    I recently purchased a HP desktop running window 7 home premium. Very happy with computer except it will not recognice my Sony DCR-HC22e camcorder.

    I tried connecting it via USB no luck so bought a PCI adpter card with firewire port, installed the drivers for that. Still no luck.

    I next searched the net and discovered I might need to roll back the driver to the legacy one. This I tried with still no luck.

    I have checked it is compatible. I have contacted Sony who have been no help what so ever and I am now going nuts. It really shouldn't be this hard to plug in a DV camcorder and edit my family movies and all I can find is people saying roll back to the legacy driver. Help!!

    BTW at one point the system for a brief second did recognise the camcorder, no idea how or whybut it has not happened since!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

    Here is some info that might help:
    Connecting Sony Handycam to Windows Vista Via USB

    What stood out was the line where it says the driver must be installed in administrative mode and in XP compatibility mode.

      My Computer


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