PC won't boot with 8gb RAM installed

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  1. Posts : 1,035
    Vista 64 Ultimate, Windows 7 64 Ultimate, Ubuntu 9.10

    Sorry, I read what my post said and it did not include all of that I had in my head to post so I went back and edited it to include it and you must have read my response w/o the benefit of the edit. I think the mismatch regardless of same speeds is the issue and suggest you sell one or the other and match the RAM.

    xeroxicide said:
    fishnbanjo said:
    The alternative would be to place the slower RAM in the first slot then the faster since BIOS will adjust to the slower speed I'm just fearful that you may have a mobo issue so checking to see if all the screws are installed and tightened properly and that the board is not touching anywhere it should not be.
    That's weird, did you edit your first post? Cos I didn't see this when I originally replied to it.

    And faster how? They are all specified as 800Mhz.

    Sorry, forgot to add that my MB is not currently screwed in, as when I did try screwing it in it shorted out against the case. But that didn't cause the problem because the problem existed before I tried screwing it in.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Haha I see, no problem :)

    Well, thanks for your help guys. At least I can put my mind at ease about what the problem probably is. Now all I have to worry about is the cost of matching up this RAM...

    Thanks again.
      My Computer

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