Brand New i3 Processor Going 100 degrees>
Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone would be able to help me, earlier this week I built a PC and everything is working fine with the exception that from boot my processor is around 90 degrees Celsius hot, and after running for around 20 minutes it reaches 100 degrees Celsius or above, I'm using the fan supplied by Intel that came with the processor and have a fan built in to my relatively cheap PC case (so it's probably not very effective)
Would you guys happen to know any solutions to reduce the heat of my processor?
(btw my specs are; Intel Core i3 550 @3.2 GHz
Sapphire ATI Radeon 5770 HD
Edit: I took a picture of the inside of my PC in case it helps;
Last edited by Dwarf; 06 Jan 2011 at 13:56.