Dell Dimension 8200 Memory Problem

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  1. Posts : 6,879
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    ionbasa is different latencies across the sticks even possible with RD-RAM (we all know how RAMBUS is with there patents)? And from looking here,

    New Memory Tweaker for Intel Chipsets - XtremeSystems Forums

    that program you linked to doesn't aooear to work with the 850 chipsets (it does work with the 845 and 855 DDR chipsets), probably again due to it using RD-RAM.

    Think you will find that bobkn hit it with what he said.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 834
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

    stormy13 said:
    ionbasa is different latencies across the sticks even possible with RD-RAM (we all know how RAMBUS is with there patents)? And from looking here,

    New Memory Tweaker for Intel Chipsets - XtremeSystems Forums

    that program you linked to doesn't aooear to work with the 850 chipsets (it does work with the 845 and 855 DDR chipsets), probably again due to it using RD-RAM.

    Think you will find that bobkn hit it with what he said.
    I think im missing something because nowhere doesthe OP claim to have that chipset, the only time it is brought up is when bokn claims some incompatability.

    EDIT: nenermid I just looked over the CPUZ snippet again. please disregard my coment.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2,606
    Windows 7 Pro X64 SP1

    Wait a minute.

    I hadn't bothered looking at the CPU-Z listing. From what "Here to help" wrote, I assumed that this was one of the older 850 (not 850E) versions of the Dimension 8200.

    If it's really the 850E as CPU-Z states, it ought to give the 533 MHz FSB, and run the new CPU run at its rated 3.06 GHz. I suppose that the CPU-Z listing is incorrect.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 78
    Windows 7 Pro x64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    The following is what information is what I know.

    I put the new cpu into my Dell 8200 then started my computer. Windows installed the drivers for the new cpu the I need to restart. After I restarted my computer I deleted the old Windows Experience scor from
    C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore, then lowered my screen resolution to recive a high score on my grafic card and I ran the test. When the test was done the scores were the same except for the CPU which I expected (Went from a 2.6 to a 3.2) but the memory went from a 4.2 to a 3.3.

    Yes, hyper treading is supported on the 850 chipset and the 850E chipset.

    No, I did not change the ram only the cpu from a 2.0 GHz, 400 bus, 256 L2 to a 3.06 GHz (Running at 2.3 because I only have the 850 chipset 100GHz*23=2.3), 533 bus, and 512 L2.

    Yes, the ram passes mem test (ran for 10.5 hours no errors).

    Yes, the ram seated properly and ram matches. (4*256=1GB of RD-Ram 400 ECC)

    No, I do not have the 850E only the 850 chip set so that is why the cpu is running at 2.3 GHZ.

    Yes, in windows task manager I see to cores.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Dell Dimension 8200 Memory Problem-1.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 78
    Windows 7 Pro x64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Any ideas anyone?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,135
    Windows 10 64 bit

    I do a lot of support on the Dell users forum. As Dell only supports XP with this model, NOT Vista or Win 7 for device drivers you are basically in "uncharted territory" to start with.

    Second, Dell does not use stock motherboards or chipsets - they use a lot of custom implementations of the chipsets, thus the Intel specs will not always hold true for a Dell and especially the older ones (this model is at least 10 years old). For example, I have a Dimension E510 (identical to a Dimension 5150) and the motherboard is a Dell custom OEM board (made by Foxconn for Dell) and with the chipset in the E510 Intel lists it can use up to a D960 (dual processor) however with the Dell custom implementation a D945 is the highest that can be installed in this model. There are documented cases of users, on the Dell forum, that have tried the D960 and it would not work.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,127
    Win7U 64 RTM

    Here To Help said:
    Any ideas anyone?
    I haven't bothered to search for bios settings for your mainboard, but I would check for any 'CPU EIST' function or similar settings in the bios that throttle down the CPU speed for thermal or power usage considerations.

    Edit: Whoops...didn't read as carefully as I should have. Incidental to your problem, apparently, but might help someone, so I'll leave the original text intact.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 2,606
    Windows 7 Pro X64 SP1

    Two cores, good.

    I see that the 8200 is spec'd for PC800 RDRAM. I think that implies a 1:1 memory clock (on a 400 MHz FSB system), so that shouldn't have changed when you changed the CPU.

    Perhaps you really aren't losing any performance. I've seen some flaky stuff with WEI in the past with graphics cards. I'd suggest using a better memory benchmarking utility. I've used SiSoft SANDRA. (There's a "lite", freeware version, available.) You won't have any baseline on your own system to compare it to. SiSoft has a database of systems, but in recent versions, it's served up online. Whether it still includes data on Rambus system, I have no idea.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 78
    Windows 7 Pro x64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Bobkn thank you. You no how to read what I have posted. There is no problem with the CPU as some people think there is. So there is no bios setting to change.

    Bobkn do you know what WEI does to test the ram? I know it plays video clips to test most of the computer but what doesido with the ram?
      My Computer

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