To Watercool or not to Watercool...

  1. Posts : 397
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    To Watercool or not to Watercool...

    Ok.... Maybe I'm being paranoid but I think my system is running a bit to warm.. If I go to bios it says CPU temp is 41-42C. Desktop temps using CoreTemp it says it's mid 40's idling. When under load I've seen mid 70's. If I've done my research correct my CPU max temp is 67.9C. I wonder sometimes if I should change from my cool looking massive Zalman to the H70 or somethiing like that. Check my system specs and let me know what you guys think. I think I might be losing it here..
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 78
    Windows 7 Pro x64 Bit

    CORSAIR CWCH50-1 High Performance CoolerCPU - CORSAIR CWCH50-1 High Performance CPU Cooler

    Very simple. Easy to maintain.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Zero fault for wanting cool temps and the H50 and H70 are fantastic products along with the Cool-it line as well. But really your temps aren't extreme and maybe you can look at any other case issues you could be having. Let re-visit how your case fans and openings are laid out as well as the make of your current fans.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 78
    Windows 7 Pro x64 Bit

    I agree with linnemeyerhere.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Beginning said:
    Desktop temps using CoreTemp it says it's mid 40's idling. When under load I've seen mid 70's. If I've done my research correct my CPU max temp is 67.9C.
    Do not confuse the CPU temp max 67.9C (Tcase) with the individual Core temperatures.

    Individual Core temperatures, as reported by apps like Core temp, are always are good 10c+ higher than than the 'overall' CPU (Tcase) temps. Basically, a core temperature that reports higher than the the Tcase (CPU) temp is not a cause for alarm.

    Your BIOS shows the CPU temp, Core temp shows the core temperatures.

    For example:

    To Watercool or not to Watercool...-tcase-vs-core.jpg

    The 67.9C temp you should be concerned with is the CPU temp and not the Core Temps.

    If your CPU temp is hitting the 70's - then you have a reason to be concerned.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 397
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Ok... So if I understand this snip right my CPU is running at a nice temperature regardless what the core temps say?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails To Watercool or not to Watercool...-aida64.png  
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64


    Although (disregarding core 1) the other three cores suggest an uneven thermal spread / cooler tension issue.

    It is normal for for core 1 to be higher than others, but the other three (unless under load at the moment of that screen shot) point towards an element of unevenness. Under proper idle conditions, they should be closer to the core 4 reading.

    The mobo sensor suggests a decent ambient case temp. Core 2,3 should be more in line with core 4 - But - even if left alone, everything is still within 'safe and comfy' specs.

    (Core 1 is invariably hotter, since by default it does 'more work' than the rest'.)

    From that screenie, your chip is not in danger at all - however it does tend to indicate that:

    A) the thermal paste is not evenly spread - or -
    B) The cooler mounts are unevenly tensioned.

    Core 2,3,4 should generally be a lot closer temp wise together than they currently are.

    I assume this at stock voltage / no overclocking and did you build this rig yourself?

    Watercooling is not necessary from those temps at all.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 397
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Ok... here is a little update. Those other CPU temps I was chatting about yesterday... Lets disregard those, I was playing around 'CPU Level Up' In my bios in Extreme Tweaker. I had the think running @ 3.70Ghz.. :)

    Now today I set the 'CPU Level Up' back to auto so now we are running @ 3.06Ghz. I'm only OC'ing the ram, can set it to 2133Mhz. It seems to run that speed with no hiccups. I left it idling for about 3 hours. When I check the CPU temp in Bios it reads 31.5C.. I guess this is good as the updated snip of AIDA64 tells me it's about the same.. :)

    As for the core temps to be out of order. I'll have a go at replacing the paste under the cooler some time shortly and see what we come up with. And yes I built it myself.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails To Watercool or not to Watercool...-aida64_2.png  
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Beginning said:
    Ok.... Maybe I'm being paranoid but I think my system is running a bit to warm.. If I go to bios it says CPU temp is 41-42C. Desktop temps using CoreTemp it says it's mid 40's idling. When under load I've seen mid 70's. If I've done my research correct my CPU max temp is 67.9C. I wonder sometimes if I should change from my cool looking massive Zalman to the H70 or somethiing like that. Check my system specs and let me know what you guys think. I think I might be losing it here..
    Actually the Intel stated Tcase temperature is 67.9C. The Tcase temperature is measured at the center of the heatspreader with a thermistor. The core temperatures will generally be significantly higher than TCase.

    My research is showing that the tjMaxx is around 100C for all i7 variants. So, mid 70's under load is no problem whatsoever.

    Edit: Sorry, for some reason I didn't see the last 3 posts when I put this up. My scroll apparently wasn't scrolling. Others have covered the Tcase issue with you and the fact that the number you are seeing and what Intel lists on their site might be a big deceiving.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Beginning, Good for you. I would for sure though pull the heatsink off and redo the thermal paste if for no other reason than to make sure you got good coverage the first time. If you didn't and need help with it just let us know !
      My Computer


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