Disk Write Caching won't stay Enabled after System Restart

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  1. Posts : 29
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (SP1)
    Thread Starter

    cluberti said:
    You would be advised to contact WD support in some official capacity (email, phone, internet) to see if they can comment or have tools to check this. However, replacement might be the best option if the drive is older than 3 years, in my opinion.
    Thanks for the advice cluberti! The drive is brand new, less than 6 months old! I got it when I bought my new (current) computer. I'll definitely e-mail WD support about this see what they have to say.

    Hopefully I won't have to replace the drive altogether!

    Thanks again!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32 and 64 bits (Desktop + Notebook)

    Hi, let me tell you that I am searching for the same solution, for what I´ve found until now I can tell:

    - The cache parameter is not persistant on the bootable drive only. Microsoft wrote about this but they said it only affected Windows 2000 systems.
    - Its not drive related, all my customers servers running Windows 2003, 2008 and SBS are having exactly the same problem.
    - If you do some benchmarks on the hard drive before and after enabling cache, you will notice a HUGE performance difference.

    What I´ve read about activating the write cache parameter is that you must be sure the system which gets this enabled is connected to an UPS system to avoid any data loss.

    I´ve noticed this is not happening on Windows 7 systems but yes on all servers systems I described before (2003, 2008 and SBS).

    Does anyone knows how to make the write cache enabled parameter persistent after restarting?

    Thanks in advance!
      My Computer

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