HELP! CPU Fan not working?

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  1. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600

    HELP! CPU Fan not working?

    Hey i just noticed this morning that my CPU fan is not working. .the one that is attached in the cover case and the fan at the back,near the plug. .and when i touched it the temperature is a little bit hot. .and when i smell the fan at the back i smell something that is likely burned up. .but it is not very strong smell though. .Was it a sign that there was burned inside? Should i stop using it and check for a technician? or. .Can i just troubleshoot it by my self?. .

    woaw and the other one my keyboard is not anymore working. .the Q,A,Z,Tab,`~,1 and Esc. .waah what a trouble..i tried cleaning it inside..but it didnt work..

    *by d way the fan that was attached in the motherboard is working. .and the one below the motherboard that is facing upside down.

    Any suggestion ASAP?i would very appreciate it if i received it right away the HELP. :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,996
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Yes, if you don't know how to replace the CPU cooler or the fan yourself, then you should take it in for repair. You should stop using your computer until it's replaced, as you don't want to damage the CPU.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Shut down your pc,and don't turn it on. When CPU Fan will be replaced then you can continue with using it. :)
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    StalkeR said:
    Shut down your pc,and don't turn it on. When CPU Fan will be replaced then you can continue with using it. :)

    owh do you think should i check also for *burned smell* rather than replacing the fan first? or. .there was nothing burned actually?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Sounds like a wire from the cpu cooler that is a problem(since you said the other fan that was plugged into the mobo works)So i would suggest getting a new cpu cooler,but try lending one from a friend or get a cheap one so you can see if its the mobo or cpu cooler,and good luck
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    When you pull out the cooler,try to rotate it with finger. If its going too hard,so that means that cooler is damaged.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,612
    Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 6.01.7600 SP1 (x64)

    replace the fan as others have said its risky not having the cpu being cooled down i think windows would shut down anyway if the cpu was to hot im sure windows 7 has this embedded in the operating system :)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 275
    windows 7 32 bit build 7600
    Thread Starter

    owh?..can u i ask a noobie question..what do you actually talk about when you say CPU cooler?Actually ive seen 4 fans in my CPU..*one that was attached in the cover..and ive read that the *fan that was attached in the cover was connected to power supply fan?like the *other blows in-and the other blows out.. and speaking of the other FAN the..other is the one that was attached in motherboard..and in the graphics card-i think?

    The power supply fan has the problem and the one that was attached in the cover.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8,679
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    This is cpu cooler.

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3,612
    Operating System : Windows 7 Home Premium Edition 6.01.7600 SP1 (x64)

    cpu cooler
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails HELP! CPU Fan not working?-brys-snap-04-may-2011-13h50m07s-02.png  
      My Computer

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