OK, here goes, so hope it helps.
I regularly backup both my desktop PC and my (wife's) laptop, using Paragon Partition Manager Pro 10.
The laptop is backed up via USB to an external laptop drive 160gb.
When the laptop's HDD failed I had to use the external 160gb as the replacement drive until a new one arrives. I therefore copied the backup files from the USB drive to my main desktop PC. I formatted the 160gb drive and partitioned it (as seen in the pic), and restored the backups to it by USB from my desktop PC. I then removed the the failed drive from the laptop. Inserted the 160gb HDD and hoped it would boot from there. So the problem started. Hence the request here, and of course the help received.
When the replacement drive arrives, I will 'copy' the 160gb drive using the Paragon programme.
The strange thing is that on my desktop pc I do not have the reserved partition!!!!!