BLU-RAY Not Working, Please Help!

  1. Posts : 301
    7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    BLU-RAY Not Working, Please Help!

    Alright so I supposedly have a BD-Combo DVD/RW Drive on my AS5738PG-6306 Notebook, it DOES list both under “Computer”:

    [DVD] DVD RW Drive (D)
    [BD] BD-ROM Drive (F)

    I put my BD Disk in… and waited and waited and then it basically pops up saying “please insert a disk into the BD-ROM Drive (F)” and ejects the tray. What am I missing here? I thought it was supposed to auto-detect and play… is there a special step I have to take to enable the BD ROMs to play? Or else perhaps do I have to buy some special, highly over-priced program/codecs to play BD movies (read that MS decided to not include them)?

    I’m at a loss here… this is my first and only BD movie and I’m just not getting it. I thought it would pop right up and that’d be the end of it. Hope nothing is wrong with my PC!

    EDIT: Disk plays fine on our TV-BD Player...

    EDIT II: DVD-ROM is listed as... HL-DT-ST DVDRAM gt30n and there is also a DTSoftBusCd00. Device Manager claims both are up to date.

    Thank you in advance as always. =]
    Last edited by EvilOzzmess; 07 May 2011 at 00:49.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    DTSoftBusCd00 is from Daemon Tools. It is a drive emulator driver and typically they are named as BD-ROM drives by Windows as they do not specify what cannot be done with them. It is NOT a BD Drive. What you are trying to do is insert a blu-ray disc into a DVD drive, sorry to say.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 301
    7 Ultimate x64 SP1
    Thread Starter

    Huh, well I guess I got stiffed out of my BD. They advertised this Notebook as having that capability. I decided to run a test on the drive after reading somebody else mention that the "BD Playback is missing" on CNET. They're right... tests all said DVD and CD read/write only, no Blu-Ray. Kind of makes me mad because I'm sure I paid for it.

    On the other hand, I did save a lot of money compared to everyone else's asking price for the hardware and extras at the time so I suppose I can't be too stung over it.

    Thank you for explaining the DT thing, did not realize that was what F: was lol. Boy don't I feel sheepish haha.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 966
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    If you were sold it as being BD capable, I suggest you go back and take care of it. You got cheated, man!

    I'm sorry to break the bad news to you but I'm glad we got that out of the way!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 301
    7 Ultimate x64 SP1
    Thread Starter

    I agree and I would do that, but it was over a year ago and my warranty is also up. They've taken the page down as well so I can't prove that TigerDirect advertised a BD combo drive. Acer doesn't even have any information up on their site about this model anymore either so I have to just let it go.

    I'll be more vigilant in the future. In fact we just discovered that Dell screwed us out of a 500GB HDD after three years LOL! THAT one is still under warranty so we'll be going to bat over it if they try and weasel their way out of it. Noticed it just the other night... could not believe I never noticed it before.

    Goes to show, you've really got to watch these PC resellers...
      My Computer


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