New Hard disk recognized by Windows7 but not by BIOS, install failed

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows7 ultimate

    New Hard disk recognized by Windows7 but not by BIOS, install failed

    I have a compaq CQ60 104TU laptop, my previous harddrive crashed and i has an external 500GB hardrive lying around. So, I opened it up and took the Harddrive out and inserted into my laptop.

    When I am trying to load windows into it I get the error

    Windows cannot be installed to this disk. This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu

    The Hard disk has no data, and i don't have a CD-Rom, have made my USB bootable manually using DISKPART (this method of installation has worked for me before)

    I have a InsydeH2O Setup Utility
    Inside the BIOS the options available to me are:-

    ->System Time
    ->System Date
    ->Diagonistic Log

    ->Administrator Password <clear>
    ->Power-On Password <clear>

    ->Primary Hard Disk Self Test
    ->Memory Test

    **System Configuration**
    ->language <English>
    ->Processor C6 states <Enabled>
    ->Fan always on <enabled>
    ->Boot Options->


    **No other options other than this are available to me in the bios**
    Note:- In the BIOS Reverting back to Defaults did not work. I have already tried that

    Please could you help me repair my laptop.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2
    Windows7 ultimate
    Thread Starter

    8+ hrs and lots of viewers, but no answers...

    giving it a bump here
      My Computer


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