Would This PSU Power all my components

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  1. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86

    Would This PSU Power all my components

    Hello, could i ask if this PSU would have the correct connection points or rails ( i dont know the correct term ) I am also plugging an nvidea geforce gtx550ti into my pci slot
    and also having an SB Audigy plugged in. I am going to run a Intel i3.Would i have a connection for my CPU Fan?

    If you would need anymore information about my set up please feel free to ask


    Last edited by Pedroc1999; 24 Aug 2012 at 17:25. Reason: forgot links
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  2. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

    Best to use a power supply calculator:
    eXtreme Power Supply Calculator
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  3. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    It's got the right connectors.

    But it's a poor choice.

    It may work. For how long, who knows.

    You aren't going to get anything worth having for 15.68 pounds.
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  4. bej
    Posts : 326
    Windows 7 Home Pro SP1 64bit

    This is a quote from a review oc the PSU you are considering;

    "At 50 per cent load the PSU's rails were all within the ATX specification. However, at 75 per cent it managed just 4.62V on the 5V rail, which is outside the ATX specification, and at 100 per cent load it shut down straight away.
    Casecom's ATX 500W is cheap and quiet, but it manages only 50 per cent of its claimed power output before its voltages wander."

    You are taking a great risk to your entire system by using this PSU.

    Take the above poster's suggestion and find another
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  5. Posts : 3,168
    Windows 10 64bit

    Go with this instead,this is less likely to die on you and power your setup a lot better then that other brand psu. I have one of these but a 600w version. Found it on that site your provided.Remember never go cheap on the power supply,it should be your biggest concern and priority when shopping for pc parts when building,the power supply dies or goes bad then its most likely to take other components with it if it's a poorly built psu..
    Corsair 500W CX V2 PSU | Ebuyer.com
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  6. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86
    Thread Starter

    Could u recomend 1 under the £25 mark because im allready a bit over my budget
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  7. Posts : 501
    Windows 7 Home Premium (64 bit)

    You will not get a decent PSU for under £25. Never scrimp on PSU if it fails it can wreck your whole system.
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  8. Posts : 1,326
    Windows 7 Ultimate x86
    Thread Starter

    ok thank u
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 12,012
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1, 64-bit

    Here are the least expensive PSUs at Ebuyer that I would buy:

    XFX 450W Core Edition Pro PSU | Ebuyer.com
    XFX Core Edition, 450 watt; 37.29

    Antec 400W High Current Gamer PSU | Ebuyer.com
    Antec High Current Gamer 400 watts; 45.15; this is 40.00 at Overclockers.co.uk

    I didn't see anything else that is fairly cheap at Overclockers that I would get.

    I took a quick look at Amazon and saw nothing under 50.00 I would buy there.

    I'd get the XFX from ebuyer.

    If you have another seller, post the link.
    Last edited by ignatzatsonic; 25 Aug 2012 at 08:42.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    The PSU is a core component and not a good area to skimp. Please look to Seasonic as a quality value option.
    Amazon.com: Seasonic 430W SLI ATX12V Power Supply S12II 430 BRONZE: Computers & Accessories
      My Computer

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