Can't boot from any disk or menu

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Can't boot from any disk or menu

    I have an eMachines E528 with an Intel Celeron 900 processor. I got the blue screen of death and was able to use the Windows system repair disk to reinstall windows 7. However, while trying to "update" Windows 7 with the SP1 update through the windows update tool, I got the blue screen of death again. This time I cannot boot the computer. I've tried a recovery disk, a system repair disk, a new clean copy of windows 7, and a Partition Wizard bootable CD. Everytime it gets to the point of loading ANY menu, it freezes up and does nothing for hours. I have spent so much time researching and trying things from other forums, and I have gotten nowhere. Can someone please help me get a fresh copy of windows on this computer??? or get me into the menu that allows me to restore from a system repair disk? I have even tried an "eRecovery" without even going into Windows by pressing ALT F10 at the logo screen as the computer is booting up, and I still get hung up while the application is trying to load the menu options. HELP!?@?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,031
    Windows 7 x64

    Do you have access to the inside of the box so you could try disconnecting the hard drive?

    If you had a copy of Ubuntu, you could let the system run to check it directly, without Windows being involved.

    If you had another hard drive to test, it would be nice. If it stops at certain types of screen resolutions, possibly a Video device is involved.

    But hard to tell what might be wrong...I just like to start at the easiest/cheapest options.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,061
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit

    Most probably your hard disk is at its end of life.

    The first thing you should do now is to run a Live Linux CD as suggested by Saltgrass and check whether you can access the hard drive booting from it. If it can be accessed, then retrieve any data you can post-haste and save it to another external drive.

    Lucid Puppy way to recover files from a non-bootable computer

    Next run the HDD manufacturer's diangostic/repair utility and check your hard drive.
    Hard Drive Diagnostics Tools and Utilities (Storage) - TACKtech Corp.
      My Computer


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