2 BSOD's and Commputer reporting 4kb in Bad Sectors
I need some help here. By way of background, I have an Aspire One D255E Netbook from ACER. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 32b. Recently I have gotten at least two BSOD's (possibly more overnight as I wake to my computer on the log-on screen). When CHKDSK ran during boot, it reported 4kb in Bad Sectors.
Now the question: If I low-level format or zero fill the HD, firstly, will it fix the bad sectors? Secondly, when I do this, will the computer still be able to recognize my external CD/DVD Rom drive which is what I will need to use in order to re-install windows.
I already know that everything on the HD will be lost and I need to back all the importnant files up. Just need those two questions answered before I continue with this problem. If you have alternative suggestions that would allow me to keep my files, I'd be interested in hearing those too. Thanks so much!