Can you post a screenshot of WinDirStat, making sure all of the "Show" items are selected under the Options dropdown menu?
Can you post a screenshot of WinDirStat, making sure all of the "Show" items are selected under the Options dropdown menu?
You stated in your first post that you uploaded videos to youtube. You did not say you removed the videos from your computer. Their is a chance you still have a copy on your computer. Do a search for those videos on your computer. Defragging doesn't give you space it arranges things so they work faster.
Ccleaner also has a nice little goodie for cleaning free space. Lower left corner of the front page is wipe free space. Make sure you indicate free space only. I use it when I'm done cleaning up a mess and want it completely gone.
You could also do a search using Windows Explorer for unknown. Sometimes Windows calls them that when it doesn't know what else to do. Also do a search using Windows Explorer for compressed.
Sorry for the lack of response, was at job and tired as heck.
Edit: Also, ignore the "last changed: 2018", it's one single file claiming that and its one of my doom mods, I assume its some weird glitch
I did remove the videos, not all of them because it takes a while to compress this stuff, but notice in the screenshot that the <unknown> is the problem, I know where I put the fraps videos, and when i do search for the videos anyways, nothing shows up. I tried CCleaner like I said and nothing changed, searching compressed brought nothing useful even when I showed hidden files.
You're right, it's all in "unknown" (43% of the volume). This is where it places space for data that it has no access to, usually what would be found in System Volume Information. You may be able to clear it with a disk cleanup using the steps outlined in this tutorial:
Disk Cleanup : Extended
I'm somewhat surprised HammerHead's suggestions didn't help.
You might also check out this software to see if old copies of those files are being stored in System Volume Information: - Manual
And a video tutorial on its use:
ShadowExplorer - Recover Lost Files and Folders
I think cross linked files could lead to incorrect disk usage reports. To correct this you will have to run chkdsk. There is a way to run this from within Win but I prefer to run from a elevated command prompt. Or you can even boot from a Win PE disk and run with out your OS.
The command would be "chkdsk X: /f". The x is the disk letter in question. If you add the slash /r parameter it will also check the unused clusters. This can take considerable time on a large disk.
You can add a command to create a text file that you can save and do what ever with. If that is what you want append this string "> C:\path\filename.txt" to your chkdsk command. That command is not needed within Win because the report will go to Event Viewer under Applications. It will be one of your recent events.
Here is a couple more fine turorials from Win 7 Forums fine library of tuts.
Check Disk (chkdsk) - Read Event Viewer Log
Disk Check