Need videoinput device to watch TV on PC

  1. Posts : 328
    W7 Pro 64

    Need videoinput device to watch TV on PC

    I want to simply connect my satellite receiver (has HDMI, composite video, it also has some sort USB) to my PC so that I can watch TV while working without needing a separate TV in my office. I have 2 monitors.
    - I don't want to buy expensive vivo card
    - I don't need to record, just watch live from Satellite Receiver (or a different source)
    - sound should be transmitted
    - should work regardless of PC graphics (currently have G45 onboard video, may buy i3 with onchip graphics only)

    I found these StarTech Video-to-USB devices but read mixed reviews and it seems those are geared towards videoconversion and often have sound problems. This makes me worry they would make watching live satellite TV complicated. any advice if those are good, or what else I should look into?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 15
    windows 7 ultimate x64

    Slingbox is the simplest and most elegant solution. Don't need to get latest. Buy used off craigslist or ebay. I still use a classic (as cheap as 20 bucks on craigslist) and watch TV on computer anywhere and my phone.
      My Computer


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