Poor SSD performance

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  1. Posts : 349
    MS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    ELiTEFX said:
    Kenjiro said:
    sadly my friend, "get a new set of unneeded expensive hardware set" is not the advice I'm looking for
    good luck bud.............
    Honestly, your only advice is telling the person to buy new hardware. It should be working at Sata2 speeds and you should be helping towards figuring out that problem. Not telling the person to shove out more money to get potential parts that may cause the same problem. It could be due to the drive. If it isn't, then you can tell the person to get new hardware. Your advice isn't helping the situation any.

    That being said, I'm not sure I caught what motherboard you had. Care to post it up?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 33
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

    UnknownReverent said:
    It could be due to the drive. If it isn't, then you can tell the person to get new hardware. Your advice isn't helping the situation any.
    some of you people need to wake up and smell the coffee. hard drive onboard controllers don't half work. they either work or they quit. He can always RMA the thing. The OP's drive works. He's trying to hook it up to some ancient piece of junk and have it run at full speed. I tell folks to buy new hardware because that's the way it is in the REAL WORLD......

    My previous advice if you had of read the WHOLE POST: "2 options available: upgrade the board or live with the speed".....
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 5,795
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    ELiTEFX said:
    some of you people need to wake up and smell the coffee. hard drive onboard controllers don't half work. they either work or they quit.
    At the risk of being falsely accused of a personal attack again, I have to agree with UnknownReverent. Not all of us are wealthy beyond our dreams and can afford to buy several hundred dollars worth of equipment to solve every problem. That's the exact opposite of how it works in the real world, ask any I.T. Exec if you don't believe me. I am the I.T. Director for my company, and if I ran to the CFO with a purchase sheet everytime there was an issue...I'd be looking for a new job.

    Controllers don't simply work or don't. There are levels of speeds, just like the old IDE days when a drive would switch to PIO mode and crawl along. There are many variables at play, such as firmware versions, drivers, BIOS settings, incompatibilities, benchmark tools, etc. There are many troubleshooting steps to be taken...all well before a credit card is involved.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 33
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64


    Very wise advice my friend and coming from a member with the credentials to back it up.

    As always, the advice I post is only my opinion and only one option of many. There are many folks, like yourself, with far more knowledge and expertise than myself.

    Thank you for your experienced advice/reply. I regret that you and I got off on the wrong foot.....
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,795
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

    My apologies if it came across like I was trying to trump your experience, etc. I hate throwing my title around, because there's no proof. I could have said I was the CTO of a Fortune 500 company (I wish...my salary would be higher). My only point I was trying to make is that buying replacement hardware is the last resort. If we try everything else, and the OP can't really get an RMA, then maybe an upgrade is necessary.

    I was thinking of suggesting a better quality SSD if it gets that far. If all else fails, I would be somewhat worried that the drive would act the same way even on an SATA III motherboard. That's one of the reasons I've been asking for a link to the drive's website...to check out the specs, see if there are issues, etc. At least we'd have some confirmation that the drive simply won't work any faster.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 33
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x64

    DeaconFrost said:
    At least we'd have some confirmation that the drive simply won't work any faster.
    I think Pc owners would be much better served remembering to do a complete online check to verify the new parts they wish to purchase will be compatible and able to perform to expectations with their existing hardware .

    When I go to purchase a new part it is only after hours of research. These days IMHO even one small difference in the version number can make a world of difference in price/performance and sometimes compatibility issues.

    I think the OP will be better served using a WD VelociRaptor in his/her system if deemed necessary. Not near as fast as an SSD but very compatible with older systems.

    I would not recommend replacing/rebuilding a whole rig to accommodate an SSD under any circumstances.

    Playing with the Big dogs costs Big bucks......
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 34
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 34
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    ELiTEFX said:

    When I go to purchase a new part it is only after hours of research. These days IMHO even one small difference in the version number can make a world of difference in price/performance and sometimes compatibility issues.
    The problem is, my SSD is compatible with my mobo according to specifications. Otherwise I wouldn't push it this much.. In theory it should work at SATA2 speed.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 349
    MS Windows 7 Professional 64-bit SP1

    Kenjiro said:
    ELiTEFX said:

    When I go to purchase a new part it is only after hours of research. These days IMHO even one small difference in the version number can make a world of difference in price/performance and sometimes compatibility issues.
    The problem is, my SSD is compatible with my mobo according to specifications. Otherwise I wouldn't push it this much.. In theory it should work at SATA2 speed.
    I've honestly never heard of that brand of SSD before. It could be the manufacturer, motherboard holding it back, or SSD gone bad. What tests have you taken into measure?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 34
    Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    UnknownReverent said:
    I've honestly never heard of that brand of SSD before. It could be the manufacturer, motherboard holding it back, or SSD gone bad. What tests have you taken into measure?
    Sorry, I didn't understand what kind of tests you mean? These?

    I've checked drive info with Crystal Disk Info
    Run AS SDD benchmark
    Run ATTO benchmark
      My Computer

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