Confused about RAM dims

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  1. Posts : 120
    7 home premium 64bit

    Confused about RAM dims

    AS title really I understand that you need to use matching pairs,but can each pair be different?as in 1&2 Kingston and 3&4 corsair>I'm only asking as Iv'e got 8g venegance 2x4 dims and i'm going to add another 8g,but the cooler Iv'e got on order has a good chance ov hitting the fins on the first slot,ans instead ov removing the fin,if they don't need to match I can use a pair ov regular dims minus the fins.if it is not possible I will either remove the fins or(my fav option)just buy another cooler and use the one iv'e got coming in the future.I don't no choices, choices,too many choices .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64

    Ideally, all the RAM would be from the same manufacturer and be identical. However, this is not always possible should you wish to add additional RAM to an existing system. In this case, the important information is the RAM speed and timings. So long as you can find RAM with identical specs to that which you already have, there should be no problems.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    Also pay attention to what model number the Vengeance ram is just because it says vengeance doesn't mean it is the same model

    take the sku you have on the Dimm and get the same sku that would be ideal for matching your sets of ram if you didn't buy a complete 16 GB
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 120
    7 home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    Cheers mate I had a funny feeling that I had read that somewhere,rather be safe than sorry though.As far as the venegance ram goes that is one thing I did no,thanks again.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 236

    corsair do a low profile version of the vengence ram, you could just get that instead and go from there, a more expencive option if you replace them all that way but at least they would all match.

    minor reason to match ram is often when it doesn't match the speed is reduced to get all timings to match on all dims while a full set of matched ram will not encounter this issue.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, SP1

    I had to mix memory, Geil 1600 @ 7-7-7-24 and Mushkin 1600 @ 6-7-6-18. So, I just run 7-7-7-24 2T and get a WEI score of 7.9

    [edit] Arg! Oh, even though I hard-coded 7-7-7-24 in Bios setup, since I'm actually running them at 1633 due to the 102MHz Bclk I'm using, my lovely bios decided to use 8-8-8-25. Good enough, though, for 7.9 WEI. The point here is that even if you purchased 2,800MHz memory, which seems to be an amazing number, it's really and always crap memory, running with severely retarded timing. The big frequency numbers are a marketing scam. What you should really care about is not frequency, but timing.
    Last edited by grd003; 14 Oct 2012 at 07:48. Reason: new discovery
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,973
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1

    I would like to see the era of big, bulky, obstructive CPU heatsinks fall away in favor of closed-loop water cooling kits. I know you have a cooler on order, but I thought I'd rant for a second. Secondly, do you need the extra 8GB in RAM? Someone above said there are some low profile kits available if you want to go that route. I would stick to the same brand, same speed, same capacity, same CAS latency, but that's just me.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, SP1

    Water is scary

    kbrady1979, maybe some day the processor manufactures will reduce the power required to run these beasts so we don't need H2O or massive heatsinks. Water, even closed-loop, scares me.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,973
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1

    grd003 said:
    kbrady1979, maybe some day the processor manufactures will reduce the power required to run these beasts so we don't need H2O or massive heatsinks. Water, even closed-loop, scares me.

    If you get a closed loop kit and take it out of the box and it doesn't look like the box has been submerged in're probably good to go. While installing, if you have sharp objects in/around your case and slice into one of the hoses, you might be in trouble. Actually, even if it does leak it isn't the end of the world(unless your pc is powered on). I have NEVER heard of a closed loop system being installed and then leaking. They are sealed up pretty good and any decent kit will have high-quality hoses/fittings. It is ready to go right out of the box, you have to do absolutely zero plumbing yourself.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, SP1

    kbrady1979, fearless theory #73823

    oops, hijacking the thread. sorry.
      My Computer

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