Chkdsk/r has been stuck for more than 24 hours at stage 4

  1. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit

    Chkdsk/r has been stuck for more than 24 hours at stage 4

    Greetings, everyone.
    I'm running a Chkdsk/r on my WIndows 7 laptop.
    The HDD in it has size of about 500 gigabytes, and 400 gigabytes have been used.
    There's no symptoms of failing recently, but I've got a feeling that it must be checked.
    So I ran Chkdsk/r about more than 24 hours ago.
    When it reached stage 4 of 5 at about 36 percent (316831 of 586736 files processed),
    it seem to be stuck. and It has been the same state for about 30 hours now. But the harddisk is seem to be still active as I can still hear it running. And no, there're no weird voices that came from the harddisk.
    Is it normal judging by the size of my HDD and the size of its usage ?
    Should I stop it or let it continue ?

    P.S. : the chkdsk is running on boot

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by MobiusZero; 07 Feb 2013 at 10:28.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

    No, not normal. You may need to stop it. Be aware that this may result in some odd behaviors of the file system.
    If there are some very large files (10+ GB) it can take quite a while to process each one, but still 30 hours is excessive in any case on a 500GB drive.

    If things get weird afterward you could try and run it again. It could be a one-off issue.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
    Thread Starter

    TVeblen said:
    No, not normal. You may need to stop it. Be aware that this may result in some odd behaviors of the file system.
    If there are some very large files (10+ GB) it can take quite a while to process each one, but still 30 hours is excessive in any case on a 500GB drive.

    If things get weird afterward you could try and run it again. It could be a one-off issue.
    Is it OK to interrupt the chkdsk/r by doing a force-shutdown to the laptop (especially at stage 4) ? I fear of getting severe damage to the system by doing this.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 professional x86

    try to end it from task manager , logoff login , then restqart . better
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64-Bit
    Thread Starter

    mohammadzeitoun said:
    try to end it from task manager , logoff login , then restqart . better
    The chkdsk is running during boot, not after log on
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

    Yes, that would be a reset, CTRL-ALT-DEL, or hard off on a laptop (hold the power button down). You are already in it - I doubt that it will complete ever if not by now - so you might as well bite down on a piece of wood and just do it.
      My Computer


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