I've been browsing the site and the internet for a sollution to my problem, but can't seem te find it. There are similar postings, but they're always just a little different. So that's why i posted the new thread.
Since a couple of days i've been experiencing troubles shutting down...
First ever Post I think (memory at 77 not brilliant): with updates first received error 0x8024402C.
Tried lots advice from different sites: regarding Proxy etc.; CHKDSK; Repair from installation CD; SFC /scannow; produced sfcdetails.txt;today ran KB947821.
following 947821 tried updates again...
I have seagate hdd with windows 7 ultimate installed on partition C and the partition D for data.
Suddenly while booting, windows ask me for disk checking volume/partition D for consistency. If i let it check, the utility will run for endless time stucking at 6% mark . If i cancel the disk...
My SMART data reports pre-failure and old age in each category. It says overall health as "Passed". What do these mean and will a simple overwrite help it repair bad parts/sectors, or is this drive headed for failure in the very near future?
Is there anything I can do in the interim to...
Hi Guys,
First post here. I'm very discouraged with my new pc. I just built my first rig from scratch and have been having lots of problems ever since a recent thunderstorm. I made the most idiotic mistake of all time and forgot to plug the PSU AC supply into the surge protector and had it...