Partition Manager. Primary Boot Partition as Secondary Drive.

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    Partition Manager. Primary Boot Partition as Secondary Drive.

    I loaded a hard disk formatted as a Windows Primary Disk onto my SATA controller. The BIOS sees the disk. In this case I want to load the new disk as a secondary drive (of course I have booted with a different hard disk). I load the Partition Manager and inside I find that the partition manger does not see the new disk. I am wondering if this has anything to do with the new disk being a Windows 7 primary boot partition as well. I was hoping to get a drive letter mapped to it so I could extract some data from that disk. What should I be doing when this occurs?

    Thank you...
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27,034
    Windows 11 Pro

    Have you tried Disk Management? Right click computer and select manage, in the left column select disk management. In the lower portion of the window you will see each hard drive with drive letters. If you see one with no drive letter, right click it and select 'change drive letter or path, next screen select add, and pick whatever drive letter you would like from the drop down list. Once it gives it a drive letter, you will be able to see it in explorer. If you have data on the drive you would like to keep, Do Not format it, if Disk Management wants to.
      My Computer


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