A strange thing is happening
Thanks rvcjew. A strange is happening. As mentioned above the PC would not boot getting instead the black DOS screen stating there was no OS. This happened 6 or 7 times as I was trying to figure things out.
This went on numerous times and forgetting to remove the other HD meant it would not start again-- this happened perhaps 2 or 3 more times.
Then while working I updated a software which had nothing to do with hardware or anything else mentioned here. I was asked to reboot and so I did. Once the reboot process had started I suddenly remembered, "Oh no my other drive is connected" meaning it was not going to boot and I would have to wait to shut it down BUT somehow it did boot. How could this be? I was always but always getting the black screen message. So for the fun of it I did it again I rebooted with the 2nd drive still attached and yup it booted fine. Then I turned it off and tried it that way and once again it booted fine.
Mind you though it seems to be booting fine I still don't trust it. How could I?
I also set my PC to hibernate instead of sleep seeing that both the lifehacker website and PC mag seemed to say it cone be done with an SSD and the difference would be minimal and yet getting the PC to wakeup again after gibernation took an extra 40 seconds telling me the SSD is defnitely not working the way it is supposed to.