It would seem that your drive has developed too many bad sectors that Windows has difficulty in reading.
As you have seen even MFT and MFT mirror is corrupted. This is because of bad sectors gobbling it up.
Under these conditions Macrium Reflect even if it succeeds in cloning the drive will only clone the faulty drive as it is and that wouldn't help. Now you have seen Macrium Reflect couldn't even read the drive. Thanks for the feedback.
If you are intent on getting maximum data possible from your defective drive , your only option now is to try to clone that drive with ddrescue and once the cloning process is over, try data recovery on the cloned drive, may be live Linux.
This is a long drawn process and depending upon how fast your drive is deteriorating and has already deteriorated, you may be able to recover some more files than what you have recovered already but not all the files. It would depend upon how many bad sectors ddrescue was able to recover and straighten out those files.
If you want to take this route and try cloning with ddrescue, follow this thread We are on the verge of doing ddrescue clone. That information should help you do it.
Good Luck.