AutoPlay not working for real or virtual CDs
[Is this the right section?] At one time AutoPlay used to show up on my flash drives, so I think I did something to disable it, but now I can't seem to get it back on for my physical CDs, or my ISO'd versions of them. I need AutoPlay to work, because some of the CDs have more complex Autorun.inf files than simply executing a program. For example:
If you know a way to execute an Autorun file forcefully, that would work too. Right click --> Install didn't work. I've tried opening all three exe files in this example and none of them launched properly. I've checked "Use AutoPlay for all media and devices" in Control Panel and set every single device to "Ask me every time". I went to both:Code:[autorun] open=Play.EXE icon=HD\Win\Royal Jewel Rescue.exe shell\install\command=INSTALL\_SETUP.exe shell\install=&Install [Install] Directory=INSTALLI deleted the NoDriveAutoRun which was in HKCU, but such key did not exist in HKLM. There is a key called CDRAutoRun in there, set to 0 still (Yes, I rebooted). I also tried going into gpedit.msc and setting "Turn off AutoPlay" to disabled. It still doesn't work. A detail to add is that in Computer, the CDs (both physical and ISO) show their real name, and file size, with a default icon. Help?Code:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
EDIT: It worked with another ISO, and the program I'm using to mount them is Gizmo. This was through the program's "Run AutoPlay afterwords" feature, it still looked like a default disc in explorer.
EDIT2: It's not the disc's problem, I ran it in a Virtual XP machine, and it Auto Played fine
Last edited by quadrplax; 18 Jun 2014 at 21:36.