System freezes, HDD fails, Event 51 "error during paging operation"
For the past few weeks I've been having this strange issue with my computer. I would be doing something like browsing the internet or playing a game. Then I would go to access some media files such as music or video's on my media drive and my computer would start acting up. The symptoms I would get is the sound would buzz and scratch, the screen would freeze and stutter, and repeat this every few seconds until my hard drive fails and loses connection all-together.
Then I would have to restart my computer to get my drive back and POST displays that BOOTMGR is missing. I would have to go into BIOS to reset the Boot Order to get my system to boot up and I would get my media drive back.
At first I thought my hard drive was dying, so I took it out and plugged it into another computer to troubleshoot it. Everything seemed to work fine. I even went to the lengths of purchasing a new hard drive, but have yet to install it. I then realized that my video drivers started to act up and crash so I updated those. I believed I had a beta driver and once I got a WHQL driver the problem went away. At least until now...
A week later I was on facebook listening to some music and I went to browse my media drive and to my surprise it instantly started stuttering and freezing again. I'm at the point where I don't know what else to do except replace the drive which I'll probably end up doing this weekend.
I've attached several Event Viewer logs. I could also try capturing it on video if that would help at all. I've never seen this happen before. Any ideas?
I just rebooted my system after I lost my drive again and this time it didn't loose the boot order, so I'm not exactly sure why that's different now than before.
I should also mention that I like to set my icons for the shortcuts on my desktop to be blank (No I didn't do the 'remove the arrow hack'). Although recently they've been showing up as black icons. I had this issue several years back and iirc it was an old driver or something. Not sure if this could be related? I've attached the driversquery to this as well just in case.
Last edited by bulletng; 20 Jun 2014 at 13:53.