Stuck at Starting Windows Screen
One day laptop boot start as a normal startup, but rather at a vaio startup recovery. i let it complete. i was kinda harddisk check..
after restart my laptop is going through a restart loop, such that vaio screen->starting windows., then restart...
safe mode. it hangs while loading files.
i tried repair.,. using windows 7 DVD. on "repair my computer", it hangs at blue screen...
on "install now", it stucks at blue screen...
it also hangs at UBUNTU LIVE using usb stick.,. (when it loads its files)...
some repair guy told me that it harddrive is gone, and it needs to be replaced...
i then removed its bad sectors using "hdd regenerator 2011"., which regenerated around 66 bad sectors...
it resulted in ending its "restart loop",. but it freezes at "starting windows" screen.,
rest of the problems are same,.i.e with safe mode, repair my computer,. install now and ubuntu live...
my data is more than important......., i can't even think to live without it... its not backed up anywhere..
why it's being shown in bios,. and hdd regenerator scaned through all 500 gb size.,, if harddrive is damaged. .,
plz help me out guys., i'll be so thankful to you![]()